Showing posts with label UN SMK. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UN SMK. Show all posts
Latihan Soal Listening UN Bahasa Inggris SMK ; Short Conversations Plus
Audio Listening

Latihan Soal Listening UN Bahasa Inggris SMK ; Short Conversations Plus Audio Listening

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Short Conversations merupakan salah satu tipe dalam soal listening UN Bahasa Inggris SMK. Dalam bagian ini anda akan memilih jawaban yang paling tepat untuk setiap pertanyaan yang diberikan setelah diperdengarkan percakan melalui file audio.
Pada bagian ini terdiri atas satu atau lebih percakapan pendek. Masing- masing percakapan akan diikuti oleh satu pertanyaan yang harus anda jawab. Kemudian anda akan memilih salah satu jawaban dalam opsi pilihan (A), (B), (C) atau (D).
Ada beberapa trik yang bisa digunakan untuk menjawab pertanyaan dengan tipe ini antara lain sebagai berikut :

  1. Baca dahulu pertanyaan yang ada di soal beserta pilihan jawabannya sebelum mendengarkan percakapan dalam rekaman.
  2. Perhatikan setiap pertanyaan yang diberikan oleh pembicara (speaker)
  3. perhatikan intnasi dan tentukan kata kunci (keyword) dari setiap kata atau kalimat yang diperdengarkan.
  4. Perhatikan pula pertanyaan yang diawali dengan benyuk W-H Question seperti what, when, where, who, why dan how.
Nah, setelah mengetahui beberapa tips diatas, berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh soal dan pembahasan yang bisa anda pelajari sebelum memulai latihan soal dengan file audio.
Contoh Soal dan pembahasan 
Soal No. 1
Anda akan mendengar:
Woman : Watch out for that bus! Get on the sidewalk!
Man      : Thank you. Wow, that's a lot of traffic here.
Woman : Let's cross the street at the corner. The cars have to stop for the light there.
Anda akan membaca pada lembar soal anda:
Why did the man thank to the woman?
A. She helped him cross the street
B. She helped him stop the car
C. She warned him off a coming bus
D. She helped him with the housework.
Pembahasan :
Pilihan (C) merupakan jawaban yang tepat untuk pertanyaan "Why did the man thank to the woman?"diatas. Penutur perempuan memberikan peringatan kepada penutur laki- laki agar segera naik ke trotoar karena ada bus yang datang. Dan penutur laki- laki mengucapkan terima kasih pada penutur perempuan tersebut. Dengan memperhatikan pertanyaan daalm soal tersebut, maka kuncinya adalah ada pada penutur perempuan yaitu  dia memperingatkan agar laki- laki tersebut hati- hati akan datangnya bus.
Jawaban : C
Soal No. 2
Anda akan mendengar:
Man  : Good morning staffs. I'd like to introduce our new secretary here.
Woman : Good morning everybody.
Man : OK, have a set over there.
Woman : Thank you, sir.
Anda akan membaca pada lembar soal anda:
What does the man do?
A. He introduces himself
B. He introduces the new secretary
C. He gives a speech
D. He invites a new secretary
Pembahasan :
Pilihan (B) merupakan jawaban yang tepat untuk pertanyaan "What does the man do?"Penutur laki- laki mengenalkan sekretaris barunya. Kata kunci dalam soal diatas adalah penutur memperkenalkan seseorang yaitu sekretaris baru.
Jawaban : B
Soal No. 3
Anda akan mendengar:
Man : This is the oldest theater in this city.
Woman : Is it being used?
Man : Yes. They have special productions here twice a year.
Anda akan membaca pada lembar soal anda:
Where did this conversation probably take place?
A. At a convention
B. During a performance
C. At a meeting
D. On a tour.
Pembahasan :
Pilihan (D) merupakan jawaban yang tepat atas pertanyaan "Where did this conversation probably take place?" Penutur pria menjelaskan suatu tempat kepada wanita yang ada dalam percakapan tersebut. Maka, sesuai dengan pertanyaan diatas, tempat dimana percakapan itu berlangsung adalah dalam sebuah tur atau perjalanan wisata.
Jawaban : D
Latihan soal Listening Short Conversations
Pada latihan soal berikut, pertama tama dengarkan audio dengan menge-klik tombol play pada setiap nomor soal, karena tujuannya adalah sebagai latihan, maka audio dapat diperdengarkan beberapa kali sesuai dengan keinginan anda. Skor nilai akan nampak pada bagian akhir latihan soal. Listening script juga kami sediakan di akhir dari sesi latihan ini.
Short Conversations
In this section of the test, you will hear several short conversations. The conversations will not be displayed in you page, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say.
In your display of your page, you will read a question about each conversation. the question will be followed by four answer. You have to choose the best answer to each question..

1. When can they meet?
For lunch
On Tuesday
For dinner
For breakfast
2. Where does the dialogue probably take place?
At the hospital
At the station
At the market
At school
3. When are the speakers going?
Seven o'clock
Six o'clock
Five o'clock
Four o'clock
4. How many nights will the manager stay in the hotel?
One night
Two nights
Three nights
Four nights
5. How long did the man live in Bandung?
5 years
9 years
15 years
20 years
6. What are they discussing?
Their hobbies
Their computers
Their colleagues
Their jobs
7. What does the man want?
A larger room
A movie
Maid service
8. Why are they going to be late?
They're tired
They tried to fix it
They have a flat tire
They took too long to fix it
9. What did the man forget?
His hat
His son
His eyeglasses
His sunglasses
10. Who is the man talking to?
A kitchen repair person
A service station attendant
A parking lot attendant
A housekeeper
Score =
Correct answers:

Listening Script
Number 1
Are you free to have lunch at twelve?
No, I am busy all day. How about dinner on Tuesday?
No, I am tied up then. Let's have breakfast on Wednesday.
Number 2
Are you a student here? Yes, sir.
Where is the English class?
Next to the library.
Number 3
Are we going at 5 o'clock?
We're going at 6. The show start at 7. Good. I don't want to be late.
Number 4
I'd like to book a room for manager and his wife.
When would that be for? It's next Saturday.
They'll check out on Monday morning.
Number 5
 I was in Bandung from 1981 to 1990 and then I moved to Jakarta.
 Why did you move there?
 I got a better job.
Number 6
What do you do?
I sell a computer. What about you?
I am an engineer.
Number 7
I'd like to order a service room five-seven-five Of course, sir.
What would you like?
The steak with mushroom
Number 8
 It looks like we have a flat tire.
Oh, no. We'll certainly be late now.
It's OK. It won't take a long time to fix.
Number 9
I left my sunglasses at home.
That's too bad. The sun is really bright today.
May be my hat will provide enough shade.
Number 10
I need five gallons of glass, please?
Certainly. Shall I check the oil, too?
The oil is fine, but the windshield needs washing.

Demikian pembahasan kami mengenai latihan soal listening UN Bahasa Inggris SMK ; Short Conversation. Semoga bisa membantu anda dalam mempersiapkan Ujian Bahasa Inggris SMK. Bila ada pertanyaan seputar tulisan kami diatas, silahkan hubungi kontak kami atau melalui form komentar dibawah. Terima kasih dan nantikan pembahasan kami berikutnya.


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Latihan Soal Listening UN Bahasa Inggris SMK ; Short Talks Plus Audio

Latihan Soal Listening UN Bahasa Inggris SMK ; Short Talks Plus Audio Listening

Jangan lupa membaca artikel tentang bisnis di > Informasi bisnis terbaik 2020.

Pada bagian Listening Section ; Short talks, berisikan pembicaraan pendek yang akan diikuti oleh beberapa pertanyaan  yang berkaitan dengan pembicaraan tersebut. Adapun langkah- langkah untuk menjawab soal listening ini adalah sebagai berikut :

  1. Silahkan cermati dan simak setiap pertanyaan yang menjadi pembicaraan atau monolog. 
  2. Biasanya pertanyaan berkutat pada informasi yang berkaitan dengan pertanyaan informasi ( W-H Questions). Maka dengarkanlah semua informasi dengan baik.
  3. Perhatikan pertanyaan dan bila perlu buatlah catatan kecil dari monolog yang diperdengarkan yang bisa dijadikan kata kunci untuk menjawab pertanyaan.
Dan berikut ini beberapa contoh soal dan pembahasan tentang materi Listening Section ; Short talks.
Contoh Soal dan Pembahasan
Question Number 1 and 2
(teks monolog tidak akan di cetak dalam lembar soal dan hanya akan diperdengarkan melalui file audio)

Good morning all passenger. We are sorry  for this inconvenient schedule. Because of the bad weather, our flight schedule will be changed for a while just for gate 15 and 20. The flight from gate 15 and 20  will be replaced in gate 17 and 18. Thank for your attention and have a nice flight.
1. Where can we get this information?
A. at the station
B. at the airport
C. at the bus station
D. at the office
2. What will be changed?
A. the bad weather
B. the gate number
C. the schedule 
D. the passenger seat
Answer :
1. B (at the airport)
2. B (gate number)

Question Number 3 and 4
(teks monolog tidak akan di cetak dalam lembar soal dan hanya akan diperdengarkan melalui file audio)

Here are some steps how to install from any additional software from a CD or DVD. First, insert the disc into the optical drive. Second, when installation wizard opens, follow the on- screen instruction. Finally, restart the computer if prompted to do so.

3. What is the text about?
A. Inserting the letters into the drive
B. Installing additional software from a CD or DVD
C. Following the company's order
D. Restarting the computer monitor
4. What do we start following the- on screen instruction?
A. When the disc inserted into the drive?
B. When we turn on the computer
C. When the installation wizard open
D. When we turn off the computer
Answer :
3. B (Installing additional software from a CD or DVD)
4. C (When the installation wizard open)

Soal Latihan Short Talks
Exercise Short Talks for Ahzaa Media

In this part of the test, you will hear several talks. They will not be typed in your display, so you must listen carefully to understand and remember what is being said. In your display, you will read two or more questions about each short talks. Each question will be followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer  to each question, and mark it.

Question number 1, 2 and 3 refer to the following instruction!

Number 1
What is the fastest way to order over the phone?
A. Look through
B. Fill out the order form
C. Give the item number
D. Give them the page number
Number 2
What kinds of requirements do you have to complete?
A. Size, color and items number
B. Catalogue forms and phone number
C. Credit card and money order
D. Credit card number only
Number 3
What else should to have to complete the order?
A. A money order
B. A check
C. Cash
D. A credit card

Question number 4, 5 and 6 refer to the following instruction!

Number 4
What is the first thing the receptionist should do for a visitor?
A. say hello
B. ask his name
C. have him sign the book
D. call the person he is visiting
Number 5
What will you do after asking him to sit in?
A. waiting until the guest comes up
B. calling the person he wants to meet
C. discussing something with him
D. paying the bill of the meal
Number 6
When should the visitor wait while you are calling?
A. by the desk
B. outside
C. in the office
D. in the lobby

Question number 7, 8 and 9

Number 7
What kinds of job are offered by the hotel?
A. Desk clerk
B. Director
C. Hotel manager
D. Technician
Number 8
How should you apply for this job?
A. Send a resume
B. Go to the hotel
C. Write a letter
D. Make a phone call
Number 9
What do the jobs offer, beside a good wage?
A. Benefits
B. Free food
C. Good hours
D. Possible promotions

Question number 10 and  11

Number 10
What product is being explained?
A. Cleaning service
B. Vacuum cleaner
C. Foam sprayer
D, Hair dryer
Number 11
What do you do after you fix the hose?
A. Push the "on" button
B. Start vacuuming
C. Plug the cord into the socket
D. Sweep the floor

This is end of the Short Talks

Dan berikut ini listening script untuk beberapa monolog diatas, silahkan dicocokkan kembali jawaban anda dengan listening script berikut.
Number 1, 2 and 3
We will happy to take your catalogue order by phone. For fast ordering, complete the order form on the catalogue, including size, color, and item number. Please have your credit card number handy.
Number 4, 5 and 6
It's very easy to greet visitor at the reception desk. First, say hello. Then,ask his name and the name of the person he is here to see. have him sign the guest book and take a seat in the lobby. Then, call the person he is visiting.
Number 7, 8 and 9
The royal hotel currently has positions open for desk clerks, waiters, and house keepers. No experience is required. Apply in person to the hotel manager. Good starting wage and opportunity for advancement. 
Number 10 and 11
Thank you for your visiting our show room. Here, we are going to show you our new product, a fantastic vacuum cleaner and how it works. First, fix the hose. Plug the cord into the socket. Then start the vacuum cleaner by pushing the "on" button. No sweeping. No wasting time.

Demikian latihan soal listening UN Bahasa Inggris SMK bagian Short Talks, semoga bisa membantu anda yang sedang mempersiapkan Ujian Nasional bahasa Inggris SMK. Mohon maaf bila ada kekurangan dalam audio. Semoga bermanfaat.


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